Neurofeedback for stress and burn-out

Excessive stress can turn into a burn-out. Constant fatigue, difficulty concentrating and insomnia are just some of the characteristics of a burnout. QEEG Neurofeedback can address this, and in many cases makes a great positive difference.

Stress & burnout: most common findings with Neurofeedback

We would like to give you some practical examples of people who came to us for neurofeedback with stress and/or burn-out. Below you will find a small overview of the most common findings. Keep in mind, however, that every person is unique, and that this also applies to the training and results. At NeuroVP, we always draw up a fully personalised training protocol to make your neurofeedback therapy as smooth and successful as possible.


Too many fast brainwaves

In burn-out, we regularly notice an excess of very fast beta and high beta waves. This means that the brain is constantly going very fast, and this is usually accompanied by a feeling of anxiety. The brain loses energy, so to speak, to this constant hypervigilance.

With this type of burn-out, we also often hear that there is a lot of ruminations and sleeping problems. Those people also often have attention problems.

Too many slow brainwaves

Too many slow brain waves means too many delta and/or theta waves. With this type of burn-out, the brain appears to be exhausted rather than hypervigilant.

People with this type of burn-out often feel sleepy and “in a fog”. It is also more difficult for them to concentrate and/or they experience memory problems.

Other types and combinations

Above we give you an idea of some of the situations we regularly notice. However, there are many more possible findings, and there are often a combination of those subtypes.

Can Neurofeedback help me out of my burn-out? Can Neurofeedback help with stress and hypervigilance?

We have already successfully tackled many burnouts. However, we cannot give a resounding ‘yes’ without also having full insight into your situation and your brain function.

Do not hesitate to contact us and tell us more about your situation. On this basis we can better judge whether neurofeedback will be appropriate. You are also always welcome at NeuroVP to come and meet us.

After we have made a brain map during an intake, we will be able to give you further information and make a recommendation.

Contact us with your questions, we will be happy to answer them. Our contact details can be found here.

Neurofeedback therapy works without medication

QEEG Neurofeedback is scientific and non-invasive. Nothing is added to the body or brain. With QEEG neurofeedback we take a close look at the electrical functioning of the brain. We look at which regions in the brain deviate, and train the brain to an optimal and more comfortable state.

Neurofeedback therapy is training

Neurofeedback therapy is a form of training. For an optimal result, and to treat burn-out or stress as efficiently as possible, regular training is important. When a series of neurofeedback sessions completed, people actually taught themselves how to be more resistant to stress. This means that the result of neurofeedback therapy is an acquired skill.

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